====== 6 Primary Levels of Identity ====== ^ 밀도 ^ Identity ^ Matrix ^ Mind ^ ^ - | Geomancy\\ (Yanas) | Yunasai |//Cosmic Conscious//\\ (One/Source) | ^ HU5 | Rishi | Solar |//Universal Conscious//\\ D15: Partika\\ D14: Partiki\\ D13: Particum | ^ HU4 | Avatar | Dolar |//Meta Conscious//\\ D12: Nirvanic\\ D11: Buddhiac\\ D10: Christiac | ^ HU3 | Teura | Oversoul |//Causal//\\ D9: Keriatric\\ D8: Monadic\\ D7: Ketheric | ^ HU2 | Dora | Soul |//Super Conscious//\\ D6: Angelic\\ D5: Archetypal\\ D4: Astral | ^ HU1 | Tauren | Incarnate |//Individual//\\ D3: Reasoning\\ D2: Instinctual\\ D1: Subconscious | ===== Four Components of Mind ===== - The Subconscious Mind/Body Consciousness/Cellular Memory Facility * Key Function: Data Storage. * Stores perceptual imprints from various Components of Mind and stores directional impulses from the Superconscious Mind, through which the body receives its operational “orders” from the Soul Matrix. - The Instinctual Mind: the Emotional/Intuitive Facility * Key Function: Data Relay. * To relay directional electrical impulse and information from the Soul Matrix/Superconscious Mind into Cellular Memory storage within the body/Subconscious Mind. - The Reasoning Mind: the Logical/Rational Facility * Key Function: Data assimilation, translation and manifestation. * Assimilates electrical impulse data from other Components of Mind, translates these impulses into patterns recognizable to the waking personality and assists in the holographic projection/manifestation of electrotonal Keylon Codes from the Cellular Memory into externally perceivable reality. - The Superconscious Mind: The Group Soul Matrix * Key Function: Creation of experiential templates and individual identities in HU-1. * Serves as the creative intelligence behind the manifestation of individuated identities and experiential events in HU-1. ^ 차원 ^ Mind ^ Key Function ^ ^ D6 | \\ Superconscious | Creation of experiential templates and\\ individual identities in HU-1 | ^ D5 | ::: | ::: | ^ D4 | ::: | ::: | ^ D3 | Reasoning | Data assimilation, translation and manifestation | ^ D2 | Instinctual | Data Relay | ^ D1 | Subconscious | Data Storage |