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Hitchhiker's guide to the OWO

This story was bit oversimplified to stimulate the imaginations.

There are three extraterritoriality state works like a “Continental” hotels from the Movie “John Wick”.

The Vatican(Religion), City of London(Finance) and WashingtonDC(Military)

Of course there are more but let's just focus on this three for now.


They all have connection back to Egypt Pharaohs. This is why they all has obelisk. They were placed in order to tell their people that this area is owned by Pharaonic bloodlines.

This three powerful Pharaoh link was developed to work like a Luciferian umbilical cord through out the history.

When you listen about history in Workshops, Egypt Pharaoh lineage were mostly run by Luciferians (Osiris⇒Thoth Isis⇒Enlil Horus⇒Thoth+Enlil) and Draconians (Seth⇒Marduk). This is why you see IHS symbol in catholic.

They mix their bloodlines with each others, do satanic rituals and blackmail each other to keep their secrets. This is why Deep State is so satanic in nature. They are relentless Draconians(Sometimes misguided as only Reptilians).

Jehovian Anunnaki(Enoch) and Galactic Federations was competing factions trying to sabotage and delude luciferians out of control. They pride themselves as the pure strain and they tend to picture them as savior of certain races like Jehovah. They are pretenders in nature and cunning Anunnaki.

Luciferian & Draconians
Mesopotamia - Egypt Pharaoh - Greece - Roman Empire - Catholic Vaticans - Europe Royals and Aristocrats - Knights Templar - Swiss octagon - American freemasons - Nazis - CIA

Noah - Abraham - Moses - Hyksos - Fake Hebrew - Jeshewea-9 - Protestants - Newage movement - Q

Every civilization has its ups and downs. When Egypt dynasty was perished, Pharaoh bloodline looking for their new kingdom hiding their identity by myth invaded to Greece, Rome and eventually became European Aristocrats.


Early Rome was worshiping egyptian gods laundered into Greek and Roman mythology. When Roman empire found Jesheua teaching was impossible to prevent from spreading, they decided to hijack Christianity as their control dogma. They made canonized bible, announced Vatican and Pope as a Roman Catholic head of state.

City of London

When Roman invaded England(Signet site 11) they made their own territory within London called “Roman city of London”. Roman rulers blended as local and became England Royals. When England grew to be British Empire this area became financial control center now called “City of London”

You can trace this by looking at Plaque of obelisk in City of London.


Washington DC

When England invaded America to prepare for SAC, they needed to build cities and states to wipe out the brave guardian indians scattered all around the continent. They sent high rank Freemasons as founders to establish systemetic government for England. Like England now seems to be free from Vatican, they wanted to make delusions of independence by going through revolution. Although most of the people think America is runned as sovereign state, it is actually ruled by City of London as a subsdiary corporation according to Q followers.

Freemasons made WashingtonDC as federal government which was not an area of the united state at the first place. This is also where Q supporters confusions comes from. American freemason founders was on front of independence movement but this was to be used as a delusions. After independence they actually built DC as a place for rite full of masonic occult and geomancy symbols.

Luciferians dominated for thousands of years and DS grew like poisnous mushroom all over the world. It is not easy for Jehovians to get rid of massive Luciferians so they are behind Q plans to expose it to the public.

Now we have setup short history, lets get back to Washington DC.

Military vs Cabal

According to Q followers, 1871 “Organic act” was signed between England and United State. This made America an USA corporation under England not the sovereign country. FRB was another tool to control the USA, when Kennedy wanted to bail out from FRB he was assassinated. Following Nixon made dollar off the gold standard making Nixon Shock. This act made dollar literally a paper money and FRB(DS) gained freedom to print Dollar as many as they want with their own agenda. This is where serious US economy bubble starts to grow. Although American power was also grown by DS, they were actually using america as an Military Police of the world. They needed enemies to justify this so communism country was setup after world war 2.

After Kennedy's assassinations few military patriots realized that they needed smarter plan to rescue US from DS world politics. CIA was another DS since Nazi build the CIA from OSS and they did not worked for the country. After finding that there was no WMD whatsoever in Iraq it was the tipping point for Military side. They used their remote viewing machine called “Looking Glass” to project future events and layout the Psyop plans to wake up the public to crude reality. All plan was preplanned by the following predicted event and each posting was done by a software to precisly meet the specific timelines. This is where “trust the plan” Q motto comes from.

Problem is that if military act against their politicians it will be treason. They need some justification to do this.

This is where Election fraud comes to play. Q and Military knew there would be an election fraud. So they made some fall trap to collect the evidence. There actually was a meddling of election outside the USA and they traced back all the Super Computer servers origin. Special forces was put in and caught some servers in Germany, Italy and Vatican.

They had to act this step by step, following every constitution possible. First mainstream media turned their back, supreme court refused to look into it, finally the electoral college. When some senators tried to issue election fraud Pelosi threw her hammer and mobs(some was working as military counter operation for collecting notebook evidence) immediately poured in. They came back that night and announced that Biden is elected as president.

After all the possible political solution brought up now they could justify their military move. There is statements in 1807 Insurrection Act that if foreign interfere with America election insurrection act can be invoked by President. T already signed Insurrection act before he leave the office. So Biden is not legal government according to Q but they are letting them to played out with mainstream media as legitimate one.

Now DC is surrounded by military as one big prison camp. They are fenced to inside rather than outside. New government will be made other than DC and will become big historical museum according to Qs.

Is this really happening?

Well, Italy government collapsed, Several Vatican bishops are suddenly COVID dead, Edmond de Rothschild Holding’s Chairman Dies,Dutch government resigned. There sure seems to be a lot of strange things going around.

There is an rumor that now America has two government in power. Military side and Biden side. Why then we are not hearing this?

T and Military want to avoid war inside the USA as any way possible. This will not just make huge chaos, UN and China(as UN) will be happy to step into America soil by Democrats call. So there is silent belly fight going on between two?

I’m not sure how this will end but there sure seems to be a strange atmosphere around the capitol hill.


(Voyagers II pg 413) If the OWO plan proceeds, Fallen Angelic groups such as the Galactic Federation will openly emerge to politically “back” the global government “good guys” that appear to be those “fighting for freedom” against countries that appear to represent the “bad-guy” end of the “good vs. evil” staged polarity drama. World religions of the “positive polarity group” will have been “nurtured” to a point of “Unity through Tolerance” by the time First Contact is staged. Our newly introduced “friendly space kin,” endorsed by Illuminati-controlled governments of the UIR and World Management Team, will then further global religious unity through demonstration of contrived religious dogma that becomes the basis for a new global political order. Human-looking ET representatives of the “United Federation of Planets” intend to show false historical and genetic evidence that the Annunaki groups are the creators of Human life and that they have returned to lead us to an “enlightened” future. “Miracle Cures” will be offered for healing and environmental cleanup, and new global governmental structures will be imposed as a condition of the “good-guy group” being accepted as the “official world government,” so Earth may be entered as a “Sovereign Global State in the United Federation of Planets.” The “United Nations” will be “upgraded” to the UPF-the “United Planetary Federation,” and we will find ourselves as “lowly subjects” upon a planet ruled by the Fallen Angelic Annu-Elohim and Annunaki of Nibiru, Tiamat, Sirius A, Arcturus and Trapezium Orion. The Annunaki will introduce the Drakonian, Reptilian and Necromiton-Andromie races as our joint “allies,” and global territories will be divided up among various ET factions, with Human and Illuminati puppet-governments appointed by the UIR orchestrating international political, economic, religious and social affairs from behind the scenes. “ETs” will then walk openly among us and “undesirable” populations that refuse to “buy into” the propaganda promoted through “official” religious, political and governmental channels, will be quietly disposed of. The UIR agenda requires that Human populations be seduced into the “necessary state of willing compliance” by 2006-2007.