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Archangel Michael

One of the most prominent expressions of the Alpha-Omega-Centaurian-Andromie Anunnaki-Drakonian-Necromiton collective refers to itself as the “Archangel Michael” Matrix, a Bioneurological Mass Mind-control Program run via the Alpha-Omega Collective, that is literally “broadcast into Earth's airwaves to unsuspecting channels” from Parallel Earth through the NDCG. False 12-Strand DNA Activation Programs are geared toward “Monadic Reversal” - reversing the Fire Letter Sequences in the Human DNA Templates to create Reverse Sequence 11-Strand Activation in humans, so human DNA will assist the Fallen Angelic mission of gaining control of Earth's Plan-etary Shields & Star Gates on a reverse-11 activation4 during the 2000-2017 SAC.

ctd/archangel_michael.1671108467.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/15 21:47 by admin