Time Matrix (Slides)
The ORIGINAL HUMAN 12-TRIBES Race Names that were edited from Essene CDT-Plate Biblical Translations
(Pronounced:IsU’too- E’shoo)
Star Gate DNA Signet Codes, Seed Locations and Races: SG-1.
Maji Indigo Grail Line:
(Pronounced: Ma a ha’ LE- BrU’A)
Star Gate DNA Signet Codes, Seed Locations and Races: SG-2.
Maji Indigo Grail Line:
(Pronounced: a ME’ ka sun – e too’r).
Star Gate DNA Signet Codes, Seed Locations and Races: SG-3.
Maji Indigo Grail Line:
(Pronounced: Noo ah’ goo- ha’ LE).
Star Gate DNA Signet Codes, Seed Locations and Races: SG-4.
Maji Indigo Grail Line:
(Pronounced:I O’Natoo-etil’a)
Star Gate DNA Signet Codes, Seed Locations and Races: SG-5.
Maji Indigo Grail Line:
(Pronounced: Rah ma yah’ na- shrid vE’ Da).
Star Gate DNA Signet Codes, Seed Locations and Races: SG-6.
Maji Indigo Grail Line:
(Pronounced: ME hah’ ta- a’g-ra)
Star Gate DNA Signet Codes, Seed Location and Races: SG-7
Maji Indigo Grail Line:
(Pronounced: ChE’ah-Zoon–YanLA-Yoong’).
Star Gate DNA Signet Codes, Seed Locations and Races: SG-8.
Maji Indigo Grail Line:
(Pronounced: Yu-Un Zoo-Zen)
Star Gate DNA Signet Codes, Seed Locations and Races: SG-9.
Maji Indigo Grail Line:
(Pronounced: Ma-a hoo’ ta).
Star Gate DNA Signet Codes,Seed Locations and Races:SG-10.
Maji Indigo Grail Line:
(Pronounced: Ze-far-Doon a-Tur).
Star Gate DNA Signet Codes, Seed Locations and Races: SG-11.
Maji Indigo Grail Line:
(Pronounced:a-RI’-a Zoor’-ta).
Star Gate DNA Signet Codes, Seed Locations and Races: SG-12.
Maji Indigo Grail Line: