Time Matrix (Slides)
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I have a question about internal and external creation.
Does internal creation have same 15 dimensional structure parallel with external creation? or do internal creation extend from higher dimension of external creation?
Can someone guide me where I can find this information in E'Asha's teachings?
Thanks in advance.
I meant to reply to this when I saw it but got involved with other things. So if it is not too late.
In the workshop DVDs Sliders-12, 2012, Part 1, DVD-1, page 12 of the chart pack, Ashayana briefly shows from the diagram of the seven Suns that it also is 15 dimensional with densities one to five (D1 - D5).
So the answer to your question is that internal creation does have the same 15-dimensional structure as with the external worlds. Each external density has a corresponding internal density level.
As you know we can only visualise 3D but higher-dimensional geometry helps (or intuition). In my opinion, although we can now think of the internal as parallel to, for example, the external God World, the internal worlds would be expected to have fundamentally different characteristics, such as a higher degree of subjectivity and interconnectedness; probably more magnetic and feminine (the particum). I expect you have your ideas on this.
Then we also have the Middle worlds, Hub worlds, and the Core, which appear to have a parallel 15-dimensional structure. Again these must have different characteristics. As a guide, understanding fractals helps. The external God world diagram clearly shows a fractal system in the integration of universes. These are increasing degrees of order from the low worlds to the higher (compare the fractal tree, twigs to branches). All these systems are pyramidal in principle (and some also in structural form, such as the Great Pyramid). This principle is a step-down frequency mechanism from high to low.
Imagine a page of columns and rows. Column 1 represents the most external God World. We ascend from the bottom to the top (and into the Core). However, we could ascend part of the way in column one and if we qualify then go across, along the row, to the next column (the Middle worlds); a quicker way to the core. And the same again, going across to the third column, the Hub worlds. But these steps, going across, are like a fractal system at right angles to the columns (another geometric dimensional direction). Thus besides the increasing degree of order going up the first column, there could be a different type of increasing order horizontally (column fractals at right angles to row fractals). These are all external though; underlying these would be the internal worlds. Not to be confused with the anti-parallal worlds (the opposite side of the Merkaba double vortex) of the external worlds. The internal would presumably be similar to the Ecka in nature; the central middle zone of the Merkaba but at a deeper level.
What can be confusing is the notation of 3D as used academically and D3 as used by the Guardians. D3 is qualitative, referring to the dimensional frequency spectrum, and 3D is quantitative, referring to orthogonal dimensional geometry (three line directions at right angles to one another). Thus we are in 3D, but each of the dimensions is D1, D2, D3, containing increasing frequencies. This is density-1 (HU-1). Density two is also '3D', three directions to form a volume, but the individual dimensions are qualitatively, 4D, 5D, 6D for Harmonic Universe number 2 (HU-2) of increasingly higher frequencies. Whereas each dimension is at 90 degrees to one another, the 3D structure of HU-2 is in a different 3D space to our HU-1. It is oriented at 45 degrees, which must be in an (academically) geometric 4D direction, that is, oriented equally to all of D1, D2, D3. From density-1 to density-2 there is a (fractal) increase in degree of order (unity/integration) and reduction in objectivity (separation). And so on for higher dimensions.
Best, NH
Hi, Thanks Helen. The following might be of interest. Regarding the dimensional structure, as far as I know, the Guardian system, as per the external God World chart, is the first clarification and simplification (in our recent history since Atlantis) of what happens to the dimensional arrangement as we move up into higher worlds. It totally resolves the confusion with the academic model. This latter has the problem that, when going into higher dimensions, we have to keep adding on another similar dimensional direction at 90 degrees to all the others prior to it, that is, using only orthogonal (90 degrees) geometric dimensions. Any academic recognising the Guardian explanation would immediately experience a great sense of relief at the complete order and beauty in this logic and symmetry (that is, if the academic's arrogance was sufficiently subdued to study some other source).
This structure was explained in the last email viz.: the HU-1 (Harmonic Universe no.1), 3D world with D1,2,3 frequencies, 90 degrees oriented to one another; then an orientation of 45 degrees for another, HU-2, 3D structure with D4,5,6 increase in frequencies, etc. This solves the problem of academically having to keep introducing an unimaginable extra orthogonal dimension each time to define the next higher world—each increasing dimension at right angles to one another. But with the Guardian system we only need to use a 4D orthogonal, which we can almost handle with 3D thinking. Also the 45 degrees introduces a gradient in linking together the HUs.
For example, as we rotate a 1D line, that is, turn it lengthwise, it moves into the new space of 2D. D1 is now combining with an incrementing 2D—that is, the degree of wholeness of 2D is increasing as D1 gradually traces out 2D. Now it is a natural property (though not recognised by science) that increasing coherent wholenesses of energies increases the frequency! For example, our planet is a greater quantum whole than an atom, but the Earth has a much higher frequency (which science can't detect). Thus higher rates of information (frequencies) relate to higher evolution and ascension status. This is logical as the higher always carries the lower (picture waves on waves) and thus must have a higher rate or the lower ones will 'fall off'!
A more materialistic physics description of why the frequency goes up with wholeness is that the oscillation's interaction of the two poles has a greater 'surface' intersection and therefore greater pressure, and consequently greater force for a faster rate (this is obviously what increasing holiness in Christian ascension means). Thus in going from HU-1 to HU-2, moving through the 45 degrees into 4D space means increase in degree of order (wholeness) and therefore frequency (however, the Guardians may have a deeper explanation).
If HU-1 and HU-2 were 90 degrees different, this would keep them too separate. With 45 degrees there is an overlap,* which clearly would be expected to aid ascension. Note that D1 to D12 (four HUs) gives four extra 45 degrees, that is, 180 degrees, half a circle. Further 45 degrees would return within this circle, reversing the increasing degrees of order (unless we introduced a further orthogonal 5D to branch off into new space—a new degree of wholeness in the rotation). [* Picture a horizontal 1D line with an arrow head pointing, say, to the right. If now we place on it a similar one at 90 degrees pointing, say, up, it can't aid the first one pointing to the right; its effect resolves to zero. If, however, it is at 45 degrees (pointing to the right) it still has a value when resolved horizontally to the right, thus giving a degree of merging of the two.]
It's a difficult subject—the average science academic wouldn't understand the above without some effort of study.