Connecting The Dots

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Two Poths of KRFSHosted EarthCync“” Krysta/bridge“' Passage, Expanded Krysta/bridge”' Window & Expedited Transfiguration Cycle.

Due to the success of anchoring the Pana-Caa-le'tic/Pan-Clair'-ah Compound Activation, not only will the Red Pulse Passage destiny be avoided for Earth's lifefield, but also Earth's Templar will engage progressive Vector Phase-lock Release to become free from its historical Vector Lock-Down . VectorRelease will enable t he planet to shift out of its current External Creation Density Accretion CycleVectorTrackandinto VectorAlignment and dimensional merger with Median Earth in the Pan-Clair'-ahDN-1D-Planes.

Over the course of this 900-year planetary re-evolutionary process, Two Paths of KRFSHosted EarthCync(TM) Krystalbridge(TM) Passage will become availiable to the planetary life field. One path is the Path of TrhU'ah Atomic Transfiguration biological passage, which will mark the Bio-regenesis Return of the organic Angleic Human genetic potential. The other path is the Path of Lila Hosted Bhardoah Transmutation, which will allow for secure Bhardoah Transition passage into immediate incarnation into a Pan-Clair'-ah Eternal Life Angelic Human form, on Median Earth within the Pan-Clair'-ah DN-1 D-plane.

The March 23, 2015 Pana-Coa-/e'tic/Pan-Clair'-ah Compound Activation also expands the period of Krystalbridge“' Window access from March 2018 to September 2027, allowing Earth's life field more time to engage EarthCync”', which will make the option of Krysta/bridge“' Passage available to a much larger quantum of Earth's life field. The Compound Activation also expedeites the Path of TrhU'-ah Transfigurati on by 12 years ,requiring a much more rapid TrhU'-ah Flows Accertion Cycle to unfold for those on the Path of TrhU'-ah Transfiguration.

ctd/passage.1578576232.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/09 22:23 by admin