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코로나바이러스 기록

2020-1-18 ECM 전환점


Voyager II

(253~254pg) If the UIR movement has its way, the illusion of peace on Earth will be maintained until they have their photo-sonic beam-ship fleets in position, cloaked within the lower Dimension-4 frequency bands (as many are already). The fleets will be positioned over numerous secondary Target Sites and 24 Primary Target Sites, Earth's 12 Primary Star Gate “Signet Sites” and their corresponding 12 “Templar Cue Sites,” the activation sites for the corresponding Star Gates.

Once fleets are positioned, progressive instigation and amplification of conflict and regional wars among human nations will be further implemented via psychotronic technology,1) a process of scalar impulsing that has already begun; Bosnia was the first mass experimental test run, and several other tests have been already initiated in China, the Middle East, Russia and the USA. As “ETs” remain a hidden potentiality to the masses, instances of “Mother Mary,” “Jesus,” “Buddha” and “Holy Figure” holographic inserts, associated “Crying Statues and Paintings” and related pseudo-Divine phenomena will progressively appear to groups of humans who are mentally ensnared in both Traditional and New Age religious dogmas, promoting reassurance that “Gods Chosen Ones” will be “saved” in the “Great Cleansing” or “Tribulation.”

If the UIR, and their “Puppet Operatives” among the Human Illuminati are permitted to continue with their plan, certain hybrid-target-viruses will be released among select populations to reduce the number of races considered by the Fallen Angelics to be expendable; the AIDS virus was simply an experimental test run originally orchestrated by the Drakonian Agenda Rigelian Zeta races via the their Human pawns within the Illuminati World Management Team Interior World Government. The “chemical seedings” known as the “Chemtrails Phenomenon” is part of this plan, as certain chemicals that will facilitate the activation of the virus once it is released, are presently being imbued into the local atmosphere in target locations.

1) bio-neurological scalar pulse transmission
ctd/scrap/coronavirus.1583320070.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/04 20:07 by admin