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포브스 잡지의 일본 편집장 이었던 캐나다 출신의 독립 언론인 벤자민 풀포드. 일본에서 활동하는 심층 취재 전문 저널리스트라는 독특한 위치로 인해 일본의 경제, 정치, 뒷골목의 숨은 이야기를 캐다가 여러번 죽을 고비를 넘기는 과정에서 아시아 드래곤 소사이어티, 모사드, KGB, 야쿠자, MI6, CIA, 일본 군사정보부 등 민간인 으로서는 유일하게 세계 여러 비밀 조직의 정보망을 갖춘 매우 독특한 위치의 인물이 되었다고 주장한다. 그의 주간 레포트는 믿기 어려운 이야기로 가득한데, 점점 미쳐돌아가는 현실을 접하면서 단지 정보부에 이용당하는 퇴물 저널리스트 정도로 보이던 그의 이야기가 현실과 오버랩 되기 시작했다면 필자의 착각 일까? 핵폭탄과 후쿠시마 지진, 이태리 가짜 채권 사건, 북한과 일본 정치계의 공생 관계등 당신이 생각했던 일본, 북한, 중국과 전혀 다른 관점의 둿이야기가 매우 흥미롭다.

Benjamin Fulford — July 26th 2021: How I Got Involved In The Secret War That Is Now Ending

Notice to readers. So that I may take my annual sabbatical in the Canadian wilderness, the next several reports will be pre-written. They will focus on the history of how I got involved in fighting the Khazarian Mafia. Hopefully, this will help readers get a better understanding of what is happening now. Of course, if something really big happens, we will issue an emergency report.

If you are really doing your job as a front-line reporter, it will not take too long before you run into a dark underside of the powers that run the world. In my case, I first ran into the hoodlums who run the world while reporting on the Japanese financial bubble of the late 1980s. Japan was very important at the time because the bubble made the real estate in Japan worth 20 times more than all the real estate in the United States. The stock market too was worth by far more than that of the U.S. With so much money involved, the foreign financial companies and their controlled press wanted in on the action.

At the time, I was a rare native English speaker who could read a Japanese newspaper and as a result, was offered many lucrative jobs in the financial industry. I chose to become a reporter instead. My first reporting job (with Knight Ridder Financial News) involved going every week to the Finance Minister’s (Kiichi Miyazawa at the time) weekly press conferences so I had a front-row seat at the center of Japanese power.

My understanding from university and reference books was that the real power in Japan rested within the finance ministry. This was confirmed when, as the first foreign reporter to regularly attend these briefings, I noticed that every time I asked a question, some bureaucrat would whisper the answer into the minister’s ear. It turns out that is because my questions rarely fit into the pre-arranged script he was given to read from. The Japanese reporters, of course, asked pre-arranged softball questions.

In any case, after realizing the finance minister was a puppet, I decided to go straight to the source and talk directly to the bureaucrats. I soon found out they would only give me straightforward answers when I called them at night on their direct lines when no colleagues were present. It was on one of those calls that an exasperated section chief blurted out “if you really want to know what is going on, talk to Nomura Securities.”

At the time, Nomura was widely considered by the locals to be the most important power center in Japan. A Chairman and President who both had the name Tabuchi, even though they were not directly related, ran Nomura in those days. They were known as big Tabuchi and little Tabuchi. They always knew before the financial press or the other financial institutions what the important financial numbers were going to be before they were released, and they traded the markets accordingly.

It turns out the Tabuchis controlled Japan as follows:

They made a list of 5,000 VIPs (journalists, politicians, gangsters, industrialists, celebrities, etc.) and lent them each several million dollars. They then told them which stocks to buy with the money. After this Nomura salespeople across Japan would go to doctors, housewives, small businessmen, etc., and push their list of “recommended stocks.” These would then shoot up in price at which point the VIPs bailed out, returned their loans, and kept millions in profits.

What I watched from the front line (although I did not know it at the time) was the George Bush Sr. led CIA dismantle this empire. They were taken down in a giant VIP scandal by Japanese police taking their orders ultimately from Bush. Bush had taken over de facto control of Japan after ordering Japan airlines flight 123 to be shot down with a missile on August 12th, 1985, killing 498 people in order to force Japanese authorities into obedience. The purpose was to take control of the vast sums of money sloshing around Japan during the bubble years.

At the time I was aware of this takeover only as the “financial big bang” that opened up the “corrupt” Japanese financial markets to the “ethical” foreign operators like Morgan Stanley.

A big eye-opener for me came after the Japanese financial bubble burst. This was known as the Jusen scandal. The Japanese press was full of stories about how the government was going to pay about $80 billion to bail out these real estate loan companies run by former finance ministry bureaucrats. They kept asking about “borrower responsibility.” When I researched who the “borrowers” were it turns out they were all Japanese gangsters. So, here we had the Japanese government using taxpayer money to bail out companies run by ex-bureaucrats that lent exclusively to gangsters.

This is when I decided I needed to talk to the gangsters. Through a Japanese TV personality friend, I was introduced to a very senior gangster (who I subsequently talked to extensively over a period of about 10 years).

He told me the gangsters were just middlemen. He said the gangs would only take a cut of the taxpayer money before passing the bulk on to the powerbrokers. He explained this was only a side business. A much bigger source of gang money was public works.

Politicians would give them information about where roads and other public works real estate purchases were going to take place. The gangsters would then convince or force the landowners to sell the property to them. Later, when the government bought the land from them at an inflated price, the politicians would get their cut. This, by the way, is why the Japanese government has been pushing for the Olympics to be held despite 80% of the Japanese public being opposed. The gangsters need to be paid off or else.

Another thing the gangs did was kill journalists, politicians, and industrialists, etc. who were not going along with the system.

In the top-level Japanese gangsters’ worldview, Japanese gangs as well as the rest of the world were ultimately ruled by “a group of eight people who sat around a table and divided up the oil and the dollars.” It turns out they were right. This is what I now refer to as the Octagon group that runs the Khazarian Mafia.

The case that finally got me in the crosshairs of the Khazarian Mafia was the murder of Nippon Credit Bank (now Aozora Bank) President Tadayo Honma. Honma supposedly committed suicide 16 days after taking over the bank. I knew Honma from his days at the Bank of Japan so I didn’t believe he killed himself. So I asked my gangster friend who told me Honma had a gun pointed to his head and was told to write a suicide note. After that, he was drugged and strangled. I wrote in detail about this for Forbes magazine with plenty of corroborating evidence (you cannot publish allegations like this based only on an anonymous gangster source).

It turns out Honma had been killed because he tried to stop all the money in his bank from being given to North Korea. As soon as he was killed, the bank was drained of all its funds and the money did go to North Korea. Then Aozora was given a huge taxpayer bailout and handed over to the Rockefellers (via Softbank, Cerberus, former U.S. Vice President Dan Quayle, etc.).

It was interesting that almost immediately after I wrote in Forbes that Honma had been murdered, Fortune Magazine came up with a cover story saying he committed suicide.

Shortly after this, I was contacted by a certain Barry Eisler who told me he was writing a novel and that in it a Forbes bureau chief modeled after me would be murdered with a heart-attack-inducing weapon while riding the subway. It turns out Eisler was CIA.

At the time I thought it was funny but it was not long after his book “Rain Fall” (now called “A Clean Kill in Tokyo)” came that someone really did try to kill me with a heart-attack-inducing weapon when I was on the subway. The would-be assassin was an older white male who stood out like a sore thumb in the subway. He was carrying a two-foot-long, four inches wide (60 by 10cm) white cylindrical device. As soon as I got out of the train he approached me very quickly from behind pointing the device at my back. I escaped by ducking behind a pillar.

It turns out that a trademark of the Khazarian Mafia is to announce what they are going to do in a fiction format and then they actually do it. Remember, for example, how the book about a ship called the Titan sinking on its maiden voyage came out shortly before the Titanic was sunk.,_Futility

They also did that with an X-File spinoff, TV show pilot called “The Lone Gunmen” about a plane being rammed into the World Trade Center building that aired almost a year before 9.11.2001 and had been filmed and scripted much earlier. In fact, a good way to catalog their crimes over the years would be to look for real incidents that were predicted in eerily accurate fiction.

In any case, this was not the first murder attempt I survived. A more serious attempt came from my gangster source after we had a misunderstanding. This one took place in Sakhalin, Russia.

What happened was that people from the Asahi Newspaper and TBS television came to me and told me that Tadamasa Goto of the notorious Goto gang was at the UCLA hospital getting a liver transplant. Of course, I was intrigued, why would a known criminal and non-U.S. citizen be given priority over the hundreds of Americans waiting for a liver transplant. Of course, I ran this by my gang source who said “if you write that you will be ground up into fish cake.”

When I told him I did not respond to threats he said “If you write that, I will never talk to you again.” For me, keeping access to a politburo level gang source who gave me dozens of major scoops, was more important than a relatively trivial story about a Japanese gangster getting a liver transplant. The story was later broken by my colleague Jake Adelstein, who was told by gangsters associated with Goto to “erase the story or be erased, your family too”.[5]

In any case, after this meeting with my source, I went to Sakhalin, Russia, to do a story on the oil fields there for Forbes. I was told to visit a big casino owned by the Japanese mob there. The casino was straight out of a movie set. Armed Chechen hoodlums sub-contracting for the Japanese gangsters surrounded it. I was chaperoned by the Japanese gangster in charge of operations there. Unlike my source, who could easily pass off as a high-level businessman, this guy was thuggish. He also kept nervously looking at the door.

When I told him I was leaving the club he said “you can’t because you are about to be killed.” Once I realized I was being set up for a hit I bluffed and pointed to a few foreign oil workers in the bar and said, “don’t worry those guys are CIA and they are watching over me.” As soon as he heard me, the gangster immediately jumped up, grabbed his phone, made a call, and came back looking very relieved. He said, “it is okay now you can go back to your hotel.” The Chechens outside seemed surprised to see me go in peace.

It was around this time that my colleague Paul Klebnikov, the Moscow Bureau Chief for Forbes was shot nine times after leaving his residence in Moscow. It took an hour for the ambulance to arrive but he was still alive when he got in it. Klebnikov died in the hospital when the elevator he was in stopped for eight minutes.

What I did not realize at the time was that Klebnikov and I were among many mainstream journalists being killed, fired, or retired by the Khazarian Mafia faction working under Bush Sr.

To be continued next week.

Benjamin Fulford — August 2nd 2021: Getting To Know The North Koreans

Notice to readers. So that I may take my annual sabbatical in the Canadian wilderness, the next several reports will be pre-written. They will focus on the history of how I got involved in fighting the Khazarian Mafia. Hopefully, this will help readers get a better understanding of what is happening now. Of course, if something really big happens, we will issue an emergency report.

The assassination attempts against me and the murder of many of my colleagues were part of a Nazi coup d’etat that took place in the U.S. after 9.11.2001. This Nazi faction, led by Fuhrer George Bush Sr., was a sub-group of the Khazarian Mafia. They were killing journalists as a part of an attempt to control the narrative, the story by which Western society was led. However, I did not figure that out until a North Korean princess showed me the evidence.

Here is how it happened. I was running into serious censorship at Forbes. This started after I had run the story about the murder of the banker, that I detailed in last week’s report, brought me to the attention of the people who gave orders to the Forbes family.

For example, a story about Citibank (a Rockefeller company) being kicked out of Japan because it was money laundering for gangsters was killed even though my source was the Japanese Finance Ministry speaking on the record. The last straw for me came when I found out that an anti-virus software company was making viruses. Forbes killed the story, telling me I was “unreliable,” when in fact the story was killed because Steve Forbes had been given $500,000 by the anti-virus company, according to a Forbes whistleblower.

In any case, I was sick of writing business pornography and decided my next career move was to shift to writing books. The hope was to have them made into Hollywood movies. So, I sent two chapters and an outline of a planned book to my agent in the U.S. The book would have described a systematic pattern of the murder of politicians, journalists, industrialists, etc. by politicians and gangsters who were part of the corrupt secret government that really ran Japan.

The day after I sent the book proposal, I got a call from Kaoru Nakamaru, who said she was a princess and a first cousin of Emperor Hirohito. She told me it would be a bad idea to publish the book. Obviously she was connected to people who were reading my mail, so I decided to meet her. When I asked her how she knew what was in my book proposal she said, “A Goddess told me.” (That Goddess would be Amaterasu the reigning deity of the Japanese security police).

When I met Nakamaru she said, “You understand all about the corruption in Japan but you know nothing about the real source, which is in the West.” She then gave me a 9.11 truth video. At the time, I thought “Oh my God, this is one of those anti-Semitic movies about 9.11 that I read about in the New York Times.” I had no intention of watching it but she kept pestering me until I did. That was the real red pill for me. It did not take a lot of fact-checking to realize 9.11 was an inside job. From a missile hitting the Pentagon without breaking the second-floor windows and leaving no plane debris, to a BBC reporter with Building #7 visible in the background saying it had already collapsed, 20 minutes before it actually did at freefall speed, the evidence was undeniable.

The real problem was wrapping my mind around how incredibly large a group would be needed to carry out a campaign like this. The implications were truly mind-boggling. It was only by looking at historical events that I realized such false flags were being commonly used as excuses to start wars.

For example, the sinking of the “innocent passenger vessel” Lusitania in 1914 was used as an excuse to demonize the Germans and get the Americans to join the British in World War I. It was not until a hundred years later in 2014 that the British admitted publicly the Lusitania was transporting arms and was, therefore, a legitimate military target. Historians note that ads in newspapers warned passengers prior to the ship being sent into the vicinity of German U-boats as a sacrifice.

In 2001, the people who controlled the U.S. were using 9.11 as an excuse to invade the Middle East (yet again).

In my still naïve worldview I figured that if people found out the truth, there would be a revolution. After I published front-page articles for major Japanese magazines listing evidence that 9.11 was an inside job, I held a press conference at the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Japan to present the evidence to the international media.

It was only when none of them (with a few minor exceptions like rural Australian newspapers) reported the evidence did I realize that freedom of the press had been extinguished from the Western media.

Nobody at the FCCJ or in the Western press debated me or presented evidence showing I was wrong. Instead, all sorts of people I never knew suddenly started a systematic campaign of character assassination against me. The general story was that I was taking drugs, believed in UFOs, and had lost my mind. I was put on a black list and nobody in the English language press would work with me. Many editors told me they had been ordered by their bosses not to publish my stories.

Fortunately, I had published books in Japanese that sold well and provided me with an income. I was also introduced to a Japanese author by the name of Ohta Ryu. He explained to me that he had been approached by a group of Japanese who had studied Western power structures before and during World War II. He used the material they had provided to publish his books.

What Ohta said was mind-boggling at the time. It was talking about how the West had a secret government run by families like the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. This may be common knowledge now but, at the time (around 2005-6) when I did an internet search about the Rothschilds, I found exactly one sentence about them on the entire web. It was from an Israeli chat room where one participant mentioned a rumor that the Rothschilds were involved in the formation of Israel.

As far as our reputed overlord David Rockefeller was concerned, he was number 300 or so on the Forbes richest list and considered to be a person of the past. I had to go back to the 1918 edition of Forbes to find out the real story. It turns out John Rockefeller the first had suddenly become poor overnight by donating all of his fortune (around $300 billion in today’s money) to a foundation. Once the money was in a foundation, the owners did not pay inheritance tax and did not have to disclose much information.

A paper trail led to over 200 foundations controlled by the Rockefellers that in turn controlled most of the Fortune 500 companies.

What I started to realize was that all the murders of Japanese politicians etc. were part of a Rockefeller & Co. hostile take-over of Japan Inc. One key man they used to carry out this operation was Heizo Takenaka, who was the Finance and Economy Minister from 2002-2005. While he was in this job, he dismantled the system of cross-shareholding where banks and companies owned each others’ shares. Takenaka forced all the banks to sell off their shares in Japan’s listed companies to foreign funds such as Vanguard, Blackrock, and State Street & Banking. When I confronted him about handing over all of Japan’s listed companies to the Rockefellers etc., he squirmed visibly in his chair and was evasive.

However, the day after the interview, I got a phone call from an official at the Japan development bank who told me there was someone Heizo Takenaka wanted me to meet. So, I went to a downtown Tokyo hotel room where I met a person by the name of Shiramine who called himself a Ninja.

I recorded with his permission a conversation in which he offered me the job of Finance Minister of Japan as long as I went along with a plan to kill 90% of humanity. He said it was necessary in order to “save the environment.” Since war did not kill enough people the plan was to use disease and starvation to kill everyone off, he said. Shiramine added that if I refused the offer I would be killed.

To his credit when Shiramine met me and gave me this proposal, he also handed me a tape and told me to listen to it somewhere private. In this tape, he said the problem was the “elders of Zion.” I was also told by another Takenaka envoy that he handed over control of all the country’s corporations because Japan had been “threatened with an earthquake machine.”

The next day another person called me and said he wanted to meet me. Again, the meeting took place inside a downtown hotel room. This time it was someone from an Asian secret society known as The Red and The Green. He said they had 8 million members including 200,000 assassins who could help. This group also knew about the plan to kill 90% of humanity because they had secretly recorded a meeting at the Bohemian Grove where they discussed all of this.

Members of this group had long worked with Western secret societies, for example by supplying them with heroin from the golden triangle. However, it was the attempt to kill them off with SARS, a bio-weapon designed to kill Asians, that finally put them on a war footing.

You can imagine my shock and disorientation in running into all of this over the space of just a week. As someone who had lived his whole life in the official open world as seen in the public record, this was mind-boggling, to say the least. In any case, since I could not agree with a plan to kill 90% of humanity, I decided to go along with the Asian secret society.

At first, being a peace-loving journalist, I thought of ideas like maybe the Asian secret society could show 9.11 truth movies in Chinatown movie theaters. However, eventually, I had what I call my “Kill Bill” moment. In the movie Kill Bill, there is a scene where a female assassin (played by Uma Thurman) is in a desperate fight for her life with a one-eyed opponent. When Thurman plucks out her opponent’s eye, suddenly the fight is over.

What I realized was that most Westerners (like me) had no idea what their secret leaders were up to and would be appalled if they found out. The flaw of the secret Western government was that it was highly centralized. So, I advised the Asian secret society to “pluck out the eye.” I gave them a list of all the people who were members of the Bilderberg, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission. I said if you target them, you can stop the planned genocide.

Later when the earthquake machine threat was made directly to me I responded that “you can’t stop assassinations with an earthquake machine.”

The other thing I suggested to the Asian Secret Society was that buying U.S. government bonds was worse than buying opium. “At least opium gives you pleasure but now you are paying them to kill you,” is what I told a top adviser to the Chinese Politburo.

In any case, the Asian Secret Society became mobilized. They threatened to kill the Western elite and also stopped buying U.S. government bonds. Thus the attempt to kill off 90% of humanity was stalled. This was the real background to the so-called “Lehman shock,” financial crisis of 2008, and the birth of the Obama administration.

However, the secret war had only begun. A lot of new players emerged from the shadows following these events.

Next week I will talk about how I met David Rockefeller. I will also discuss meeting such groups as the Black Sun, the Illuminati (in two flavors), the secret space program Nazis, the Russian FSB, and former MI6 head Dr. Michael Van de Meer.

Please stay tuned…

Benjamin Fulford Report: “The Illuminati Challenge the Elders of Zion” — August 9, 2021

After the Asian secret societies targeted the Western criminal elite, a total sh-t storm broke out among secret societies. Many of these societies have operated over millennia and mostly remain dormant. Now they all sprang to life and mobilized their members. I experienced this firsthand, as their members approached me or tried to destroy me.

The real trigger for this was an interview I had with David Rockefeller in late 2007. Rockefeller had arrived in Japan to promote a Japanese language version of his autobiography. As a part of this promotion, some men in black arrived at a large bookstore and closed off all the exits before Rockefeller appeared and made himself available to sign his book. Somebody took a photo of this event and sent it to me with the note “Rockefeller is in town.”

As a long-term foreign correspondent in Japan, I knew big wigs like him typically stayed at the Hotel Okura across the street from the U.S. embassy. So, I waited until 10 PM, when I figured his handlers would have left the room but he was still awake, called the switchboard and asked for David Rockefeller. I was put straight in touch with him. I told him who I was and my background, and asked him for an interview. He agreed.

This interview took place the following morning. However, the fact that I was able to directly contact the head of the Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission shortly after the Asian societies threatened the members of these groups let the world know this was the real deal.

The “Elders of Zion,” i.e. the Rothschilds and their lackeys sent Michael Greenberg, the key man they used to control Japanese politicians to visit the Asian secret society bosses in Japan. Greenberg told them I was a woman-beating, amphetamines addict and that they should have me killed. When the Asians confronted me with this I suggested they ask my ex-wife or any other woman I had been intimate with to confirm this was complete slander.

This was the first hint they were planning to use drugs to destroy me. It was around this time that Sasha Zaric, aka Alexander Romanov, approached me. Zaric said he was sent by a group known as the Gnostic Illuminati. He said they traced their roots back at least as far as the Greek Mathematician Pythagoras.

The Gnostic Illuminati said they scouted the top 6,000 geniuses of each age and that they were opposed to bloodline rule. They claim to have caused the American, French and Russian revolutions.

Zaric told me he made his living as a drug smuggler, typically bringing about 100 kilograms of hashish into Japan every month. He said he had been called to Pattaya, Thailand where he was shown a 500-megaton nuclear weapon that he was told was one of four that had been stolen from the Russian submarine Kursk when it was sunk in the year 2000. He was also shown 70 kilograms of marijuana and told to smuggle the drugs into Japan.

Zaric presented me with some of the marijuana and said that if I did not introduce him to Japanese gangsters I would be killed. He said if I made the introduction I would be given $10,000 per month as a commission. I told Kawase Takamasa of the Japanese military police about this. He told me it was a trap and to stay away from it.

He was right. It was around this time that, according to my MI6 sources, former Prime Minister Tony Blair of the UK was bragging that I was about to be jailed on drug charges. The marijuana was also laced with a dangerous chemical, most probably PCP or “angel dust.”

Zaric began to lose his mind after he started smoking it heavily. However, it turns out he was also an agent for the Australian Secret Intelligence Service. Around 2010, he told me the nuclear weapon he had been shown in Thailand had been smuggled into Japan and was located at Hinode, Tokyo on the property of former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone.

Zaric became a whistleblower and went to the Australian Embassy in Tokyo to raise the alarm, warning Japan was about to be hit with a nuclear terrorist attack. Rudd apparently tried to act on this information and was forced to resign as Prime Minister “by the Federal Reserve Board,” according to ASIS sources.

We will get back to this nuclear weapon next week, but first, we need to take a look at what happened to the Asian Secret Society people I first met. After the cutoff of Asian money had caused the Lehman crisis and a sudden economic collapse in the West, the Asian secret society cut a deal behind my back with the Rockefellers and Bushes.

They were told that Barack Obama, a black person, would be made president of the United States and that everything would change. For this reason, a secret deal was cut whereby the FRB bought 700 tons of gold from an Asian royal by the name of Yohannes Riyadi. Lord James Blackheath detailed this to the British House of Lords.

Based on information from Lord Blackheath and others, what happened was the 700 tons of gold were used to issue 750,000 tons worth of gold-backed bonds by Alan Greenspan of the Federal Reserve Bank. This created US $23 trillion that was used to finance the Obama regime. The Chinese were awarded the 2008 Beijing Olympics and many officials were given Iraqi oil money as a part of their reward for going along with this scam.

It was also around this time that the Asian secret society representatives withdrew their protection from me for “disobedience.” The Ninja Shiramine then told me I was about to be killed. My senior contact with the Japanese Yakuza gangs also told me that I was officially sanctioned and designated to be killed. That is why I was forced to go to the headquarters of Japan’s largest Yakuza gang, the Yamaguchi-Gumi, and use a megaphone (and an incriminating set of insurance files) to convince them to provide me with protection.

It was also around this time that Leo Zagami showed up in Japan to visit me. Zagami also said he represented the Illuminati. However, his version of the Illuminati was the descendants of the Roman emperors. He said they traced their roots back to 26,000 years ago and that they had access to ancient technology held by survivors of the great post-glacial floods of 14,000 years ago.

There is a lot more to this but basically, he told me they gave orders to the Mafia and the Vatican. He proved this by saying they were going to fire Pope Maledict (Benedict XVI) and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, which subsequently happened.

I was then invited to visit the P2 Freemasons in Italy. Here I met a lot of politicians, academics, mafia types, etc. I was also shown technology that allowed them to project images into the sky that were 25-miles wide (Project Blue Beam).

Zagami then sent me to Milan to meet Vincenzo Mazzara, a Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights and the highest-level connection Zagami had. When Mazzara met me, he asked if he could smoke a cigar. He then spent the day blowing smoke from this cigar at me.

In any case, he took me to the cathedral in Milan where he showed me a stained glass window representing the Black Sun. He also showed me a carving of a cross with a serpent winding around it. He said these were their gods and they gave them instructions by “contacting them via gamma waves.” Please understand I am just quoting them and not saying I believe what they told me was true.

What I do know is that night, my lungs seized up and I nearly died. However, I survived, and the next morning when I called Mazzara to ask why he had not come to meet me, he sounded surprised and blurted out “you’re still alive!?”

I returned to Japan sick as a dog but recovered. It was shortly after this visit that the infamous Chiasso incident took place on June 3rd, 2009. In this incident Bonds worth $134.5 billion, were stolen from two Japanese “diplomats,” or representatives for the Dragon Family, Akihiko ‘Yamaguchi’ and Mitsuyoshi Watanabe.

I met both Watanabe and Yamaguchi later. Watanabe told me he had been sent by the Emperor of Japan to cash the bonds in order to finance a tunnel linking Japan and Korea. Yamaguchi said he took his bonds from a batch the former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney said were real. Yamaguchi wanted to put them into a “trading program,” to finance charitable activities.

In any case, the Italian financial police handed the seized bonds to Neil Keenan who apparently ran the Eastern European branch of the CIA. Keenan then handed them to a Vatican banker by the name of Daniel Dal Bosco. Dal Bosco took the bonds to the Chinese Communist Party and to the Finance Committee of the U.S. Senate, to no avail.

It was then that UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon came forward and offered Dal Bosco U.S.$100 million to “make the whole thing go away.” The bonds were eventually returned to Keenan who was killed a couple of years later and replaced with an impostor. A representative of the Dragon family (Asian royals) later explained that Keenan had never been authorized to cash those bonds.

It is also interesting to note that on June 6th, 2009, three days after the Chiasso incident, I was stabbed with a poison needle in front of multiple witnesses by a North Korean agent by the name of Okubo Mutsuaki. Despite this, the Japanese police refused to investigate and my colleagues at the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Japan refused to let me talk about it in front of the Western press.

I survived because friends of my murdered colleague Christopher Story, aka Edward Harle, advised me that if I took one gram of Vitamin C every six hours and 5,000 international units of Vitamin D every day, I could counteract the effects of the poison.

I survived only to be given a blow-by-blow account in real-time of how the nuclear weapon was stolen from the Kursk and used to trigger the March 11, 2011, Fukushima nuclear and tsunami mass murder attack. It was this attack and the subsequent threats to sink Japan under the sea that finally made me realize we really were dealing with mass-murdering psychopaths at the highest levels of world power.

Next week we will talk about Fukushima and the secret aftermath of that attack.

Benjamin Fulford Full Report: The March 11, 2011 Attack on Fukushima and Its Aftermath

After the Fukushima mass murder event of March 11, 2011 (3.11) the Rothschilds sent a representative to explain why Fukushima was attacked. He said they planned to move their Asian headquarters from Tokyo, Japan to North Korea. To accomplish this they intended to move 40 million Japanese from Greater Tokyo to North Korea. They even showed me a map of their planned industrial zone there.

Prime Minister Kan Naoto, who was in power at the time of the attack, told a packed press conference at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan that he had been encouraged to evacuate Tokyo in the aftermath of the attack. Not a single corporate media outlet reported this.

The other thing that happened was that immediately after 3.11, Israeli crime minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Prime Minister Kan and told him that if Japan did not hand over its entire $7 trillion or so in foreign currency, then electro-magnetic weapons would be used to cause Mt. Fuji to erupt.

However, at this point, something unexpected happened. Hundreds of earthquakes hit the Atlantic Island of La Palma immediately after 311. There was a very real danger that it would collapse into the ocean and cause a 100-meter tsunami to hit the U.S. Eastern and European Southern coasts. The earthquakes stopped only after the U.S. military contacted the White Dragon Society and promised that no further attacks would be allowed against Japan.

Nonetheless, the Khazarian Mafia headquartered in Switzerland succeeded in re-imposing a slave Prime Minister on Japan. Abe Shinzo was put in place via a fraudulent election. Following this, he was invited to be a keynote speaker at the gathering of Western oligarchs in Davos, Switzerland.

At Davos, Abe told the international community that China was like Germany before WW1. What he was referring to was a plan by George Bush Sr. to have the G7, Russia, and Japan all gang up and attack China. The plan was to divide China into five or six separate countries to prevent it from ever again being a threat to Khazarian Mafia power.

Abe set up an openly fascist government and proceeded to carry out a massive, secret military build-up to participate in Bush’s planned invasion of China. A huge amount of military equipment was secretly stockpiled in the Kumamoto region of Japan that is nearest to China. At the same time, Abe set up a biological warfare facility disguised as a veterinary school.

However, the planned invasion of China was called off because both Russia and the Pentagon refused to go along. The Pentagon has done war game after war game simulating an attack on China and the end result is always the same. The war turns nuclear, 90% of humanity dies and the northern hemisphere of the planet becomes uninhabitable.

In 2016, a series of mysterious earthquakes, each centered exactly on a Japanese military base, destroyed this equipment. The earthquake seismographs all indicated they were artificial earthquakes. Abe was also secretly poisoned and told that if he did not go along with China he would not be able to receive the antidote, Asian secret society sources say.

At the same time, the White Dragon Society reached out to the global warming faction of the Western elite. If you recall, the year 2000 U.S. presidential election was a contest between the global warming faction under Al Gore and the Nazi fourth Reich faction under George Bush Sr.

The global warming faction, centered around Queen Elizabeth, believed that the environment could be saved by putting a tax on carbon and using the money to pay third-world countries to preserve their forests. The Nazi faction wanted to kill 90% of the global population.

This writer has a tape recording of an invitation to join this faction. They said that in order to preserve the environment it was necessary to eliminate the “useless eaters.” These were people like subsistence farmers who could feed their families but did not work at factories making things. They said that war did not kill enough people so that they would use starvation and disease to accomplish this goal.

This is why the Bush Jr. administration set up biological weapons factories all over the world. They released SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola, Mers, etc. in their attempt to kill people off. At the same time, they subsidized farmers in developed countries to use their grains to produce “biofuel,” instead of food.

However, the plans failed because none of their bio-weapons were able to kill the intended billions of people. The attempt to starve people to death was also stopped after insiders blew the whistle and explained that biofuel subsidies were causing starvation crises in 33 countries. This put an end to those subsidies.

A letter was sent via diplomatic pouch from the UK embassy in Tokyo to Queen Elizabeth asking for her blessing for a campaign similar in scale to World War III but this time the enemy would be poverty, environmental destruction and everything else that plagues this beautiful but fragile planet we all share.

Following this, a series of countries, England, Germany, France, Canada, Switzerland, Italy, etc. decided to join the China Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. The multi-trillion-dollar Chinese Belt and Road Initiative followed this. The money was spent building highways, ports, schools, railways, hospitals, bridges, and other such infrastructure around the world.

Japan and the United States were the only major countries that held back from this initiative. They called it a Chinese debt trap. However, it clearly put the Bush Nazi faction on the defensive.

The other thing that happened in 2016 was that the Gnostic Illuminati decided to form a temporary alliance with the British commonwealth to prevent Hillary Clinton (Rockefeller) from becoming president of the United States.

A meeting was held in Antarctica on the November 8th, 2016 election day that was attended by Skull and Bones John Kerry and many other members of the secret Western elite. We have interviewed two people who were present at that meeting. They say a decision was made to flip the election so that designated loser Donald Trump would be elected president with the very votes intended for Clinton.

This was accomplished after a firefight between Special Forces at the underground base near Denver Airport took over the election stealing computers on behalf of the Trump forces. It is interesting to note how in the 2016 election things seemed to be going Clintons way and then they suddenly flipped and went Trump’s way.

The opposite happened when the Nazi forces regrouped around Rockefeller proxy Joe Biden in 2020 and flipped a real Trump victory into a fraudulent Biden victory. We will get back to that later. In any case, Trump became president of a bankrupt nation and there really was very little he could do about it.

The $23 trillion raised for Barack Obama was running out. Trump tried many things, including tariffs to try to turn the situation around. Remember he also said things like China would buy $200 billion worth of goods every year, He also tried unsuccessfully to take over the World’s largest oil reserves in Venezuela and offered to buy Greenland.

However, a nation with a GDP of about $20 trillion and over $200 trillion in debt and unfunded liabilities really has no choice but to go bankrupt. The U.S. corporate government has external payment deadlines every September 30th and January 31st. In September of 2019, the U.S. was able to avoid bankruptcy only by stealing Japan’s national pension fund. In January of 2020, they failed to make their payments.

They were given a two-week grace period lasting until February 16th, 2020 but were unable to make their payments. That is when all hell broke loose as we all know. The owners of the U.S. corporation lashed out with a massive 5G electromagnetic attack on Wuhan China.

Remember, mass deaths began in Wuhan only after 10,000 5G transmission towers were activated, subjecting the population to deadly low-level electromagnetic attacks. The official story that it was a coronavirus is provable nonsense.

That is because if it was a biological attack then the pandemic should have spread first to the suburbs of Wuhan and then to other parts of China. Instead, it was restricted exactly to the 5G zones inside Wuhan proper.

After this, the spread of Covid-19 around the world coincided exactly with maps of where 5G networks had been activated. To understand 5G think of the defrost mode of your microwave. That operates at around 200 watts, while 5G is equivalent to about 30 watts.

However, if it is transmitted 24 hours a day, it starts producing symptoms that resemble lung disease. Japan warned the world about this danger after they subjected 5,000 passengers aboard the cruise ship Diamon Princess to 5G and started getting multiple deaths. After this, all 5G was stopped worldwide.

So the Khazarian Mafia was forced to resort to plan B. They went ahead with medical martial law and started renaming influenza, the common cold, pneumonia and tuberculosis, and all sorts of other deaths as being from Covid-19.

At the same time, they used their access to fiat money printing presses to pay huge sums of money to doctors to diagnose Covid-19. Since Western doctors operate under a military regime, they were told to go along with the pandemic story or lose their licenses.

The Khazarian Mafia also used their corporate media to spread pandemic fear porn 24/7. Also, since the KM failed to kill their planned billions of people with 5G radiation, and since all their bio-weapons had proved ineffective, they next resorted to vaccines.

What has now happened is that the secret government of the West has been exposed by this campaign. The world’s military, police, and intelligence agencies began a counter-attack.

Next week we will report on the status of that counterattack and also on plans for running the planet after the Khazarian Mafia have been ousted from power.

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