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Zeta 개요

중앙 통제적인 집단의식으로 진화 하면서 자기복제 방식 외에 자연적인 생식 기능을 잃게된 제타인들은 그들의 잃어버린 생식 기능을 되찾기 위해서 그들의 유전자가 변형되기 이전의 과거로 돌아가서 원래의 유전자를 획득하고자 그들의 제한적인 차원 이동기술을 남용하는 가운데 우리가 사는 지역 시스템의 시간선상에 갇혀 버리게 되었으며, 인간의 DNA와 접목하여 그들의 멸종을 막을 혼합종(Hybrid) 개발을 시도한다. 그러나 초기 종족 보존의 아젠다를 수행 하는 과정에서 드라코니언들과 손을 잡고 지구인을 지구에서 몰아내고 자신들의 혼종이 지구를 차지하는 이기적인 아젠다로 바뀌게 되었다. 수많은 유전자 조작으로 인해 우주에서 활용되는 그레이 인종을 한 모습의 몸뚱아리는(Vessel) 수도 없이 다양해 졌으며 모든 그레이 모습의 인종들이 제타 아젠다를 따르는 것은 아니다.

Voyagers Vol 1 - Sleeping Abductees

Zeta Reticuli

One group has presently been identified in your culture, and within the inner circles of those who investigate such visitations, this group has become known as the “little greys” or Zeta Reticuli. Others call them the “lizzies,” referring specifically to the Rutilia sub-species of Zeta that have a more reptilian-like appearance when manifesting within your system. Though technologically and intellectually astute the Zeta generally do not possess the spiritual development necessary to forge strong bonds of brotherhood with other life forms. Like humans, the Zeta also are evolving.

The Zeta are indeed real, and physical in terms of biological form. They are not from your planetary system, but they have a working knowledge of the Time Portal System in your dimension. It is the Zeta and affiliated groups, such as the reptilian Dracos, that have been in contact with your government and are responsible for much of what you have come to call the “UFO/alien abduction” phenomena.

Little Greys

The Zeta represent more than just the Little Greys (those small greyish beings with large black eyes).

There are various sub-species of the Zeta prototype, some more “hybrid like” in appearance, some resembling other forms not at all organic to your system. There are lizard-like Zeta in numerous colorings and sizes. There are Zeta that more closely resemble your insect kingdoms, particularly that of the arachnid (spider-like) though somewhat larger than your earthly versions. Other types of Zeta have been described by your witnesses as “blues,” “browns,” and “silvers,” all of which possess some human-like or dwarflike characteristics, and who represent a group of Zeta mutations created through their experiments in genetic engineering. The blue-skinned Zephelium are the administrator caste of the Zeta, governing all lower-ranking Zeta castes. The Zeta are a fragmented species and their customs and policies differ widely among the various groups.

The Old Zeta Agenda

There are a large number of Zeta involved with research upon your planet, and some of them possess agendas you need to become aware of so you do not fall into their plans as they desire. Your Interior Government has been working with the Zeta on some of these agendas but even they do not realize what is being orchestrated. The Interior Government itself is being tricked and used manipulatively into facilitating the Zeta plan.

The “Zeta Agenda,” as we call it does not simply involve your dimensional system alone. As we have explained, the Zeta have limited access to interdimensional passageways. Your three-dimensional Earth system is not the only system the Zeta are interested in exploring. The Zeta are a driven race, driven by a vision and a purpose which stem from their home planet. This planet’s name is insignificant to you as its location cannot be charted within your time-space continuum using the mechanics you presently have available.

On their home planet the Zeta evolved within their own time continuum to a point of technological sophistication superior to your own. Their cultures were not originally structured like human culture, as they possessed a more centralized community model. They did not think independently for centuries of their evolution, but operated as individual units of a collective mind. The Zeta mind was exploring methods by which they could break through the Dimensional Lock System, hoping to expand their reality and knowledge by consuming (draining energy from) parallel and adjacent versions of their own planet and combining these reality fields with their own. They had mastered the three-dimensional Time Portal System and wanted to “expand their territory.” They did not realize, however, that using the methods they employed would destabilize the time portals and dimensional bands of their own system. They were partially successful in blending dimensions in their world but they did not realize the consequence of these actions until it was too late.

The Zeta did not originally possess the small grey forms you have come to know. This form resulted from a mutation in their genetic code caused by the frequency blending to which they had subjected themselves. This mutation intensified over numerous generations, the form weakening, losing strength and agility, losing power, until the time came when they could no longer tolerate the atmospheric conditions of the planetary home for which they had been intended. (The original Zeta prototype was a larger white-colored being possessing bilateral symmetry and having certain characteristics resembling those of the early human, but with a greater number of appendages. The wide variety of Zeta forms now existing are the result of uncountable genetic experiments. There are many similarities between your Earth reptiles and the original Zeta form, particularly those of the early reptiles that roamed the Earth.) As each successive generation paired they progressively lost the ability to naturally procreate their species. They became genetically neutered. The dimensional merger that they had forced also caused irreparable damage to their planetary structure. They had set in motion the death of their planet and its dimensional counterparts.

These events, from the perspective of your time continuum, are occurring in what you would perceive as your future. The Zeta then have “gone back in time” to your time continuum (and others) in hope of finding answers and solutions to their dilemma. Part of their own Time Portal System collapsed because of these events, so they are unable to access their own portals directly. (They cannot thus access the “past” of their planet before the destruction as they had originally hoped). The Zeta entered your time continuum because of the proximity of Earth's time portals to their own and also because the Earth has certain environmental elements the Zeta need for survival. (Oxygen- based air systems, water systems and the presence of elements such as

zinc, plutonium and iron-based minerals.) However, the carbons in your environment proved to be toxic to the Zeta, and those interacting with your system found themselves in accelerated states of deterioration.

Original Zeta Agenda and the World Wars

We have given you information about the Zeta so that you may begin to understand their motives for involvement with you. Their original purpose involved accessing other dimensional versions of their planet and time continuum by going through your time portals, as they had destroyed their own. If they could move through the dimensional portals of Earth and into a parallel system, then access their own “past” planet and time continuum from there, they hoped to reconstruct the pathways to their own three-dimensional time continuum—to reattach their three-dimensional zone to the interdimensional grid. They had not planned to interact with you for any period of time

Their plan was good in theory but not in application, as the Zeta soon discovered. Though they possessed much knowledge of how the time portals worked in a three-dimensional system, they did not have such mastery over the time portals in other dimensional systems. Large groups of Zeta became “trapped between dimensions,” and stuck in your time/space continuum. They “leaped into” your system from the third dimension, moving backward in time. They accessed certain other versions of your continuum, but were unable to “leap” from there into their own other dimensional time continuum. The Zeta were a dying race trapped in time very far from home.

The Zeta began to look for other alternatives. They became involved with experimentation in your Earth dimension and in some others. Meanwhile the health of the Zeta was suffering. The carbon- based elements present to some degree in all of the Earth dimensions was rapidly declining their species.

On your planet the scope of the Zeta involvement accelerated just after your First World War. The environment was being speculated at this time. Attempts were made at raising the Zeta's biological tolerance level to the carbon elements but these experiments were met with little success. By the time of your Second World War the Zeta had devised a plan of genetic cross-breeding. They became interested in creating a Zeta-human hybrid, a mutation, in the hope that such a form would allow the continuation of their species within the three- dimensional Earth and adjacent systems. At first other life forms were studied (cattle, rodents, lizards, birds, etc.), other Earth species, but these experiments were not successful and produced a variety of sorry creatures that the Zeta later destroyed. Finally the human species was approached as a last resort (there would obviously be more difficulty with experimentation involving humans directly). For a period of time corpses were used for these experiments as they attempted to link the human DNA with that of the Zeta. These experiments also failed.

During your Second World War the Zeta came into communications with humans directly. (They are in part responsible for the final activation stages of the atomic bomb). You must recall, we explained that the Zeta were capable of “shape-shifting” to some degree, and they specialized in the art of “perceptual interference,” being able to alter human perceptual frequency enough to appear in whatever forms they chose. Using these tactics to establish contact and to infiltrate the human governmental systems, agreements were formed between the Zeta and the US, British and German governments. The Zeta were not particularly concerned at the time with the outcome of World War Two, they “sold out to the highest bidder” so to speak.

The Zeta had great interest in the Nazi experimentation with genetics and were supportive of their agenda of creating a “superior race.” The Zeta would let the humans help them create a genetically superior human prototype which they would then use to create the Zeta- human hybrid. Zeta interest in the Hitler regime began to dwindle over disagreements concerning the Nazi's anti-Semitic policy. Like the Nazis, the Zeta viewed the Jewish peoples as a race, not simply a religious grouping, but unlike the Nazis, the Zeta believed the Jewish race to be superior genetically, and they were not interested in a human prototype that did not carry the coding particular to the Jewish race. (More will be given on the Zeta perspective of the Jewish people in other writings). The Zeta interest then began gravitating toward the opposing factions. They were beginning to take interest in the outcome of the war as they had a vested interest in keeping those of Jewish lineage alive and well. The Zeta wanted this genetic strain protected at all cost, so they began negotiations with the allied governments.

Around this time the aforementioned Aethien (mantis-like beings from a universe within a parallel dimension) began interacting with the Zeta in other dimensions, with the intention of teaching the

Zeta better ways to fulfill their purposes without violating the human populace. The Zeta remaining in the three-dimensional Earth system were of the last to accept guardianship from the Aethien. But the Aethien are committed to assisting the Zeta in their spiritual growth toward brotherhood, and so maintain an open invitation for assistance to Zeta in all dimensions.

During the time of World War II the Zeta in your system approached certain elements of government in the allied forces, using the guise of human form. Remember, they were adept at “perceptual interference” and so were able to place themselves in key positions to be heard when new ideas were most needed by the allies. The Zeta themselves set in motion the structures for what has become your global, covert Interior Government. Using their human guise they were able to offer certain strategic and technological advancements to top military groups. They also began preparing the humans for direct contact with the Zeta in their true forms. Great meetings were orchestrated in which the human covert elite were introduced to the Zeta and certain aspects of their technology.

The Zeta came under the guise of wanting to help humanity and of being concerned with world peace. They used their advanced technology and knowledge of universal physics to seduce their human cohorts into believing they were far superior to humans and came as “angels” or planetary guardians. The Zeta play upon the core religious beliefs of the people and their fears to create the illusion of themselves as “saviors” so as to foster human dependence—a covert method of gaining human cooperation with their agenda. Much effort was put into building human perception of Zeta as saviors and helpers.

Only later, after the “debt” involving the outcome of World War II was “incurred,” so to speak, did the Zeta begin to demonstrate their desire to have favors exchanged for their services during war time. Military, medical and communications knowledge was given to the Allies during this time. The humans, easily enthralled by the sophistication of the Zeta technology, had no idea just how much knowledge the Zeta withheld from them. Nor how the knowledge that was given was used to direct and manipulate the humans for Zeta purposes.

The individuals presently involved in the Interior Government still have no idea of the degree to which they have been and are being manipulated. To those of you involved in these covert activities (you know who you are) we suggest that you wake up now! Take charge of your destiny and break free before that choice is no longer available to you. The Zeta are not “evil monsters” out to get humanity, they are simply a species trying to solve their problems. But so much like humans the Zeta often do not realize the harm and violation they bring to other life forms in their quest for growth. Both humans and Zeta need to evolve spiritually into a working knowledge of universal brotherhood.

ctd/zeta.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/05 10:36 by admin