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Spirit Body of our Adjugate twin, on the AdorA side.


Jesheua ascended to the AquA'elle Matrix in 27 AD by a process called resurrection, which means the Raising of the Eiradonis.

How can one successfully make the path of Ascension at the Adashi Turnaround in terms of frequency accretion?

  • When your Eiradonis (your Adjugate Twin AdorA Spirit Body) and you (your EtorA manifest self) pull together and merge at the center with your manifest Adjugate AdorA Twin and its Eiradonis (your EtorA Spirit Body), and there is enough energy/quantum thrust held in the body in terms ofJoule count to be able to make the Adashi Turnaround ofAngular Rotation ofParticle Spin on the Atomic level, then you can make it.

10. What do you have to clear behind you before you really can raise your Eiradonis Body, and how can you clear this?

  • When you start working with the Eiradonis Body, you actually bring it through from behind. Naturally you would be in complete horizontal alignment with your vector line, but because ofthe distortions you're actually twisted and “behind” is not behind. Your back is not facing the center; there is something like a big nasty shadow, a gaping hole that leads down into the YHWH Matrix through the Procyak Matrix.
  • There are activations that the Aquafereion Shield is doing-actually the Aurora field, which is the AquA'elle Field-that actually shifts and allows the natural alignment. So you can pull the Eiradonis Body through the back like it needs to come in. And by doing that you can pull the mutation up and clear it through raising the Eiradonis Body.

Elum-Eiradhona, E-Luman-yana, E-Luman-aeri

The Elum-Eiradhona is the Cosmic Spirit Body, the Cosmic Spirit Body Seed Atom, the first Seed Atom, or the Kryst Seed.
E-Luman-yanas are the Density Spirit Bodies.
E-Luman-aeris are Density Time Vectors, Event Horizons and Probability Clusters.

Excerpts from Amsterdam Manual OCR.

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