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Psonn of Aurora

1. BĒ …… TŪ ĕ– Te – Ta ét – A 1)
“The Silent Strength of Eternal Grace” - - - - “Expressed NOW and in this place”

2. Jha – Na – TĀ OO – et ́ Tá A
(Brings)…. “Loving comfort, peaceful solace” (in face of) “Disharmony, suffering, spiritual challenge”…”as condition may be or is in present experience”

3. BĒ …… TŪ ĕ – Te – Ta ét – A
“The Silent Strength of Eternal Grace” - - - - “Expressed NOW and in this place”

4. E – Sha – Neú en – Aah Sha LA
(Brings)….”Perpetual Renewal”… “By the means or way of”…. “Eternal Living Light”

5. Ish – ma – tá eĹ – eN TĀ – DUR eTh` – A
(“in relationship to or context of”) “A Stoic, Noble Stance… “I will hold” (IN)…”appropriate or perfect Bearing” … “in context of the Circumstance around me”

6. DĒ Sa – Lá èn –`tesh A – DUR Ā
“The power of my Burning Passion “(to) Be enacted or brought forth through”… “Spiritual Love, or Desire (will) Reverence, Loving Respect”

7. Să – Neu – eń LĀ – Ta – Lus …
“The unknown or uncertain “will be met with” “Calm Bravery, Self-Reflective Clarity/great patience circumstance”…. & tolerance”

Jhá …en DĀ OOT ah LĀ HĒ
“In Loving humility, gentleness “as the will, the means …. “the Way of Safe Passage”. . . and Harmlessness” (and)

8. MĒ Ta Blen DĀ SŪ NŪ ah KĀe

“Absolute, Unshakeable …            “Affirmation or Statement”           “The will to”…    ”Being in a fully Kristed Conviction”   existence”

Last Line/Command Line:

“I State and Affirm with Absolute Unshakeable Conviction the will to be AS the Eternal Krystar Body in the Su Nu ah KAe Kristed Transcendent State.”

1) as “suffix” here means what’s before it “To Be” or “Is Expressed Now & in this place
ctd/psonn_of_aurora.1573721610.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/14 17:53 by admin