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Great White Brotherhood(대백색 형제단)

“대백색 형제단”은 Jehovani(제호바니, 고대 히브리어 알파벳에서 J를 빼는 조작으로 현대에서는 Y로 발음 하게 됩니다)아바타 의식그룹 산하에서 나와서 추락하던 우리 타임 매트릭스에 우회 상승 통로인 YHWH(야훼 혹은 요테보테) Host Matrix 를 만들어 지탱해주던 미션을 가졌던 현재는 추락한 존재들이 섞여있는 그룹.

Breneau-Ruby order - The Ruby Order Annu-Elohim Breneau families from the fallen Annu-Elohim Jehovani D-11 avatar collective, one of which is often called “The Great White Brotherhood”, were originally a Harmonic Universe-4 Avatar Family named Jehovani out of the Elohei-Elohim Emerald Order Breneau Rishi Collective (2001-07 - Master's Templar Stewardship Initiatives and the Grail Quest Signet roundtables)

Ruby Order hosting to provide ascension capability for “Annu-Elohim”, but many of twisted teachings and mis-informations coming out from GWB community group nowadays. (2001 Holy Grail Quest - Disk2 2:47:00)

ctd/gwb.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/15 22:55 (external edit)