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 25,500 BC


50,000 BC - Lemurian Holocaust

Jehovian Anunnaki and their Annu­ Melchizedek Urantia Illuminati Humans infiltrate Lemurian Muarivhi, allow Dracos1) infiltration, culminates in destruction of Muarivhi Pacific Continent.

28,000 BC - Atlantian Holocaust

Sirius-A Jehovian and Pleiadian-Nibiruian Luciferian Anunnaki and their Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati Humans at­tempt to seize Inner Earth and Atlantis, culminating in cataclysm that reduces Atlantic Continent to three Island Nations: Bruah(Florida), Nohasa(Bermuda) and Lohas(England).

출처: Ashayana Deane - Voyagers II

1) Omicron-Drakonian+Human
 25,500 BC
ctd/history/50000bc.1553155178.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/15 22:59 (external edit)