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3,470 BC 
 608 AD

906 BC Fall of Solomon's Temple

King Solomon, (Hyksos Annu­ Melchizedek + Serres-Egyptian Maji Grail Line), son ofHyksos King Da­ vid, is guided by Galactic Federation to use stolen Arc of Covenant Gold Box tools to destroy Hebrew Angelic Human Tribe-2 races ofIsrael to claim “Promised Land” and advance global dominion. Pleiadian­ Serres Emerald Covenant race of Alcyone intervenes directly with beam ship, intending to teleport Arc Box and tools out ofSolomon's Temple and retu it to Maji Grail king protection, preventing Solomon's assault on Hebrews and advancement ofthe pole shi agenda. Galactic Federation attempts to teleport Arc Box to their Pleiadian Ship but mis­ calculate, destroying Solomon's Temple completely with a Photo-Radi­ onic Wave beam. Pleiadian-Serres retrieve Arc Box and prevent pole shi agenda.

26 BC Roman Invasion

Omicron-Drakonian legions ofOrion move their Nephedem Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati races into political power within the Ionian Empire ofItaly, deposing Angelic Human Tribe-5 of Italy and Ionian exiled Celtec, Druidec and Seminol Atlantian Maji Grail Kings to create stronghold ofRoman Empire dominion. Progres­ sively in ltrate and transpose their race identi over the Angelic Hu­ man Tribe-5 and Maji Grail Line Ionians of Italy and begin corruption of Ionian Grail Kings' Sacred CDT-Plate Spiritual Teachings to create the undations r the “Church of Rome” Catholic Religious Control Dogma political machine.

23 AD Essene Divide

Galactic Federation unites groups ofLuciferian Hyksos ng and Jehovian Hassa King Annu-Melchizedeks to raid Emerald Covenant Mission ofMaji Grail King Essenes, Jesheua (Jesus Christ), John the Baptist and Miriam in Tel el Amerna, E pt. Due to EsseneDivideraids,Jesheua'sGrailKingEssenesareunableto l ll in­ tended mission of disengaging the Nibiruian Diodic C stal Grid to ee Solar Star Gate-4 and Earth's Star Gate-11 to prepare r the 2000- 2017 SAC and scheduled Planetary Christos Realignment Mission. The Maji Essenes had l lled part of the mission by reclaiming the Rod Star Gate tool and its Arc of the Covenant Gold Box from Galactic Federa­ tion's Noah-Abraham-Moses Hyksos Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati line, but could not recover the Sta tool. Following ilure of the intended Planetary Security Mission, Jesheua, John, Miriam and several Maji Grail King Essenes hid Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and its Rod tool in Vale of Pewsey, England, via Tel el Ama a Inner Earth portal passage.

325 AD Council of Nicaea

Omicron-Drakonian legions motivated their Nephedem Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati races gove ing the Roman Empire to temporarily join rces with Galactic Federation and the Ple­ iadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki. In this unholy alliance, the Nephedem, Lu­ ci rian Knights Templar, Hyksos King and Jehovian Anunnaki Hassa King Annu-Melchizedeks assembled to “come up with a cover story” to hide om public record the realities ofJesheua's Emerald Covenant Mission. Groups ofHassa ng Rabbis, Hyksos Kings and Knights Templar Priests, and Roman Nephedem Knights of Malta launched a Crusade to con scate all records of the Emerald Covenant Essene CDT­ Plate translations. They combined various elements of true history and spiritual teachings with numerous lsi cations and massive omissions ofTemplar and Ascension teachings, to create the patriarchal, lse-God control dogma creed that became the “Canonized Bible.” Their inten­ tions were to rce lly hide all knowledge ofthe Emerald Covenant Christos Realignment Mission while they searched r the Arc of the Cov­ enant Gold Box. They intended to claim the Arc Box and prevent the

3,470 BC 
 608 AD
ctd/history/906bc.1476889783.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/15 22:59 (external edit)